Sunday, 3 July 2011

Paris SIMP 2011

Paris SIMP 2011 - I'm in total awe of all the people who had their photos up on the same night or within a couple of days ... however in my defence after two weeks I'm 11 months quicker than last year!! This year being my second visit meant I went with a clearer idea of what I hoped to buy and I was so happy with my purchases, I hope you like them.

The lovely shabby unit was from an Italian seller and although I dutifully noted everything down I cant find her name in the Catalogue, I thought it was Scarpe e Pelletteria where I also bought the lantern & 3 pictures in a later photo. The porcelain sink which has a lovely tiny china plug was from Zapatillas as were the slippers.

The beautiful hand painted plates were from Paris Miniatures and the little ice cream cones look so real. Their stand is understandably always so busy

The lantern & lovely shabby pictures were also from Scarpe e Pelletteria.

Basket, fabric bolts, cotton and lace ... not sure where for yet but I just liked the colours

Fabulous shabby chic chair and little girl teddy bear from Lea Frisoni, ah so many beautiful things on her stand .....

And here my pièce de résistance .... I went hoping to buy a cushion from Rosanna for my chicken house and she so kindly sold me this one from her display, she is a lovely lady and chatting to her was a pleasure :-)

Shown here with two of the chicken plaques from Petits Bonheurs

Just sneaking in a couple of pictures of recent purchases from Cathy Rohal, the Chicken hook, jar and the tea holder she made for me ... I love them

and her shabby pink jar and cake stand, such detail in something so tiny and delicate is incredible

And finally a few pics from my wanderings around Paris, I was on my own a lot but felt very peaceful and relaxed and enjoyed my time with Kris & Catty so much

Ah little cherubs

Now I need to get on and get my lovely purchases on display, no more hiding lovely things away in boxes ... that's my new resolution.

Jackie x


  1. Hi Jackie, you did amazing shopping! Congratulations! I can see that you are very satisfied with your purchase.
    A big hug.

  2. Hi Jackie, how tall is your son ?? a true giant , he makes his fiancee look like a tiny pretty doll.
    The name of the Itaian maker is Patrizia Santi and she makes the most incredible goods.
    Have a nice day in much loved Scotland, I shall never have enough of it.

  3. Hi Jackie,

    You bought such a wonderful things, I love them all!!
    Hugs Sylvia

  4. Thanks ladies, I was very happy with all my purchases! I realised I forgot one beautiful board of bread & grapes but will add that later.
    Rosanna thank you so much for the details.
    Kris is 6'2", not sure what that is in metric height, Catty is 5'2" :-) She is gorgeous but she is also a swimmer so is suprisingly strong ... and dare I say I think she is the boss !!
    Very hot few days in Scotland, its beautiful

    Jackie x

  5. Jackie, I love all of your purchases!! Especially what you have bought from Rosanna! Her work is stunning!!

  6. Hi Jackie, nice purchases I know the work of this Italian lady I hopeI could go to next Arhnem show to buy something from her and from others ladies. I love a lot of the cake tray with teh tea pot ... really my style, doei, claude

  7. Hello Jackie....I am thrilled to hear that you have seen the magazine. Thank you so very much for the offer to send a copy to me (so generous), but I believe the publisher as a copy in the mail and on its way to me....fingers crossed!!!
    I loved seeing all the beautiful things you bought at SIMP....I was fortunate enough to have been there several years ago and I enjoyed my visit sooooo much, I hope to be back there next year...but that's a!
    I see that you have met Rosanna, I spent a week with her in Genova last year and she has to be one of the loveliest ladies I have ever had the pleasure to me....I adore the cushion that you bought from her!
    Many (many) thanks once again,
    Linda x

  8. Hi Jacky

    I love specially your chicken-stuff, because I have made a chicken shop myself.
    And about a time I make another one.

