Thursday, 8 September 2011

La Patisserie Francaise & Renovation Projects ...

Well here I am, nine days into retirement ... after an amazing send off from my colleagues days one and two I was somewhat in limbo as I had emails etc to tie up, day three I felt quite lost & a bit scared, but day four I enjoyed ... and here I am now wondering how I ever managed to be out the house for 10 hours every day!!

There are so many things I have in my mind to do after working in some form for over 40 years but first on the mini 'to do' list is to get all my collection out of boxes and on view where I can enjoy it ... I have bought some lovely things over the past couple of years, been to SIMP and Miniatura and love Ebay & Etsy. The shopping will have to be seriously curtailed now but finding homes for my treasures will be exciting!!

First on the list was all the beautiful cupcakes & cakes from Kim Marshall Saulter, Paris Miniatures, After Dark Miniatures & Christine Morrison ... the little roombox was easy to put together and fits perfectly in my cabinet. Hardest thing was getting decent pictures without me & the camera showing in the mirrors :-)

As well as curtailing the spending I know that I really MUST not buy any more houses, no matter how tempted, so am planning renovations for some of the ones that no longer excite me ...

This was my first 1/12th house and was decorated in Edwardian style ... not sure exactly what my new theme will be but I have plenty of lovely things to fill it, probably a romantic country/shabby style. I'm painting the exterior to match the cabinet as its quite a focal point in the room

Below was a blue & white Tearoom which I was never really happy with so is going to be my 'Home to Roost' to house my dozens of rooster & chicken purchases and creations ... talking of which I have so many I'm doing a couple of Roomboxes for my special bits, started this one this week

I can feel I am going to really enjoy retirement ... although I'd suggest it is only retirement from paid work as everyone is finding me things to do !!

Thanks for looking, Jackie x


  1. I look forward to the things you will make.
    I like the colors of the cafe.

  2. Great pictures, beautiful things and I am also looking forward to all the things that you are going to make.

    Love Sylvia

  3. It sounds like you have lots of things to keep you busy now that you're no longer in paid employment. You'll wonder how you had time to work!

  4. The cafe is beautiful. I love all the beautiful details. I will visit often to see all your lovely things. Hugs Maria

  5. I'm your fan. Your miniatures are wonderful!

  6. Beautiful photos!
    I think you will soon be very busy with a lot of projects. Of course at first being retired must feel strange, but apparently retired people soon fill their time very easily. Think of all the time you will have for miniatures.

  7. Valaki ilyen süteménywa boltot nyitna, biztosan meggazdagodna belőle, mert mindenki szívesen járna oda a finom sütemények miatt!!! :)

  8. Me encanta el café, el colorido es perfecto, muy bonito. Yo también estoy retirada desde hace tiempo (me retiraron :-)) Y doy gracias porque tengo tiempo para mí y para todo lo que me gusta, así que disfruta que ahora tienes todo el tiempo del mundo para tí :-)
    Un beso

  9. Love the Patisserrie and cabinet! Great colors. Really beautiful work.

  10. Hola! tu trabajo es muy bello!
    Estoy comenzando en miniaturas... tengo muchas cosas que aprender...


  11. I love Patisserrie's and I am part French too!

  12. Que escenas tan dulces.. son preciosas y esos perros tranto el de este post como el otr de la escena navideña que parece de pelo, son maravillosos.
    Le felicito
    Un abrazo

  13. Jackie, muy interesante las miniaturas, ha 10 años de su jubilación, cómo se encuentra hoy? Me gustaría saber si ha descubierto otro hobby o ha profundizado en las miniaturas, es un tiempo para disfrutar, felicitaciones.

  14. Perdón, quise decir a 10 años ....

  15. Perdón quise decir a 10 años .....
