
Friday, 30 September 2011

The Rooster Roombox is finished ........

Before talking about my roombox I'd just like to say how thrilled I am to have more new followers ... when I started this Blog in April I didn't know if anyone would read it and am just loving being involved in the mini blog community - thank you all :-)

Now the roombox ... when I say finished I have to confess that I'm always going back to things and moving them and changing little things but on the whole it is finished!

The outside with rooster panels on the shutters and the rooster topiary

Sylvia's lovely little birdbox

The window seat with cushions added

Table setting

The kitchen sink!!

Cannisters of course 

The table without the cloth, the original centrepiece has moved into one of the cabinets and some new flowers are on the table

I bought this wonderful doll from Lisa Johnson-Richards almost ten years ago and this kitchen just seems the perfect setting for her, I am so flattered that she likes the setting

So now that the first roombox is complete I'm moving onto the next one in a week or two and also thinking of a give-away to celebrate passing 100 followers ... more news soon.

Jackie x

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A little progress ... Rooster Roombox

I haven't quite got round to really starting on my Rooster House yet ... despite having collected so many things for it .... but I've started on this roombox, I think the size suits me better!

I've added this bay window to make a window seat

Rooster blinds & pelmet

Still to make a cushion for the window suit

I've been busy printing, cutting & gluing like mad today ... towels, trays, cake stands and different sized plates

Cannisters (of course) and placemats

Tray, rolling pin, biscuit tins, trivet and wax candle

The placemats are printed on double sided cotton and they have come out really well.

The recipe box has little dividers & recipe cards, I love how its come out.

I'm really looking forward to Miniatura at the NEC in Birmingham this weekend ... all that's on my Shopping List is a picture frame and more plain dishes to decorate ... but I'm sure going all that way I'll just have to buy lots more!! Hope everyone else who's going has a great time, Jackie 

Thursday, 8 September 2011

La Patisserie Francaise & Renovation Projects ...

Well here I am, nine days into retirement ... after an amazing send off from my colleagues days one and two I was somewhat in limbo as I had emails etc to tie up, day three I felt quite lost & a bit scared, but day four I enjoyed ... and here I am now wondering how I ever managed to be out the house for 10 hours every day!!

There are so many things I have in my mind to do after working in some form for over 40 years but first on the mini 'to do' list is to get all my collection out of boxes and on view where I can enjoy it ... I have bought some lovely things over the past couple of years, been to SIMP and Miniatura and love Ebay & Etsy. The shopping will have to be seriously curtailed now but finding homes for my treasures will be exciting!!

First on the list was all the beautiful cupcakes & cakes from Kim Marshall Saulter, Paris Miniatures, After Dark Miniatures & Christine Morrison ... the little roombox was easy to put together and fits perfectly in my cabinet. Hardest thing was getting decent pictures without me & the camera showing in the mirrors :-)

As well as curtailing the spending I know that I really MUST not buy any more houses, no matter how tempted, so am planning renovations for some of the ones that no longer excite me ...

This was my first 1/12th house and was decorated in Edwardian style ... not sure exactly what my new theme will be but I have plenty of lovely things to fill it, probably a romantic country/shabby style. I'm painting the exterior to match the cabinet as its quite a focal point in the room

Below was a blue & white Tearoom which I was never really happy with so is going to be my 'Home to Roost' to house my dozens of rooster & chicken purchases and creations ... talking of which I have so many I'm doing a couple of Roomboxes for my special bits, started this one this week

I can feel I am going to really enjoy retirement ... although I'd suggest it is only retirement from paid work as everyone is finding me things to do !!

Thanks for looking, Jackie x